Simple Yellow - Different
Kane Spring Rd Nevada
Did you know that Las Vegas has mountains and lakes that are both within 30 minutes of town?
The mountains are nice, but I don't ski. Lake Mead is nice (when there is water in it) but I don't have a boat and I don't water ski.
I like the road less traveled; I like old cowboy trails and stories around the campfire. My wife loves to find the road less traveled and she will look at a map and try (I swear) to find the most difficult way to get somewhere. She wanted to go to Caliente, but not on old boring highway 93. Las Vegas to Caliente via state route 317. I will post a more detailed blog about Ella Mountains, forest fires, and the ONLY Nevada (one man) fire look-out station.
However, for now, I am posting about Kane Spring Road. LOOK at all those beautiful wildflowers! Miles and miles of wildflowers! Not another soul for miles, just roll down that window and smell that flower-filled air.
gaia gps
quick mountain video